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Game Plan Spread

Game Plan Spread



Difficulty: Easy

When you have a certain plan in mind, this simple 5-card spread presents a choice, hinting at what action or attitude should be taken for your plan to succeed, and what should be avoided in order to help your plan work out for the best.

The initial card is laid in the center of the layout, the significator. The following 4 cards are laid out clockwise around the significator.

In this spread, the second card shows what drives you, but also says you are not fully conscious of this, perhaps even completely unaware of it. It gives you a hint as to the reason that you strive for your goal.

The third card shows what others think of you and your goals. You may or may not be aware of this. Sometimes other people factor into your plans, and sometimes they don’t.

The fourth card shows what you should not do. If things are permitted to go down this path, your plan will collapse.

The fifth card is a hint as to how to make your plan work out favorably. The idea that this card presents should be followed in order to make your plan a success. It is the differences between Cards #4 and #5 that should be noted, as the differences provide the clues you need.









Your Game Plan Reading

Unconscious Drive

Queen of Disks
External Influences

3 of Wands

10 of Cups
How it Will Succeed

The Empress
How it Will Not Succeed

9 of Wands





10 of Cups

Mars in Pisces – Satiety

This card represents a conflicting element. On the one hand, it receives the influence of the Ten, Malkah the Virgin. The arrangement of the cups is that of the Tree of Life. But, on the other hand, they are themselves unstable. They are tilted; they spill the water from the great Lotus which overhangs the whole system from one into the other. The work proper to water is complete: and disturbance is due.





Queen of Disks


The Queen of Disks represents the watery part of Earth, the function of that element as Mother. She represents passivity, usually in its highest aspect. The Queen of Disks is throned upon the life of vegetation. She contemplates the background, where a calm river winds through a sandy desert to bring to it fertility. Oases are beginning to shew themselves amid the wastes. Before her stands a goat upon a sphere. There is here a reference to the dogma that the Great Work is fertility. She thus represents the ambition of matter to take part in the great work of Creation.

Persons signified by this card possess the finest of the quieter qualities. They are ambitious, but only in useful directions. They possess immense funds of affection, kindness, and greatness of heart. They are not intellectual, and not particularly intelligent; but instinct and intuition are more than adequate for their needs. These people are quiet, hard-working, practical, sensible, domesticated, often (in a reticent and unassuming fashion) lustful and even debauched. They are inclined to the abuse of alcohol and of drugs. It is as if they could only realise their essential happiness by getting outside themselves.





3 of Wands

Sun in Aries – Virtue

This card refers to Binah in the suit of Fire, and so represents the establishment of primeval Energy. The Will has been trans mitted to the Mother, who conceives, prepares, and gives birth to, its manifestation. It refers to the Sun in Aries, the Sign in which he is exalted.

The meaning is harmonious, for this is the beginning of Spring. For this reason, one sees the wand taking the form of the Lotus in blossom. The Sun has enkindled the Great Mother.












9 of Wands

Moon in Sagittarius – Strength

This card is referred to Yesod, the Foundation; this brings the Energy back into balance. The Nine represents always the fullest development of the Force in its relation with the Forces above it. The Nine may be considered as the best that can be obtained from the type involved, regarded from a practical and material standpoint. This card is also governed by the Moon in Sagittarius; so here is a double influence of the Moon on the Tree of Life. Hence the aphorism 'Change is Stability'.

The Wands have now become arrows. There are eight of them in the background, and in front of them one master arrow. This has the Moon for its point, and the Sun for the driving Force above it; for the path of Sagittarius on the Tree of Life joins the Sun and Moon. The flames in the card are tenfold, implying that the Energy is directed downwards.





The Empress


This is the Harmony of the Universe, that Love unites the Will to create with the Understanding of that Creation: understand thou thine own Will. Love and let love. Rejoice in every shape of love, and get thy rapture and thy nourishment thereof.

Love, beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, completion, good fortune, graciousness, elegance, luxury, idleness, dissipation debauchery, friendship, gentleness, delight.