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3 Card Spread

3 Card Spread



Difficulty: Very easy

This simplistic chronological spread can be used to shed light on the influences that are now behind you, current influences, and what is approaching in the near future. Not much explanation is necessary on this one.









Your 3 Card Reading

The Past

The Tower
The Present

The Sun
The Future






The Past

The Tower


Break down the fortress of thine Individual Self, that thy Truth may spring free from the ruins.

Quarrel, combat, danger, ruin, destruction of plans, sudden death, escape from prison.





The Present

The Sun

The Sun

Give forth thy light to all without doubt; the clouds and shadows are no matter for thee. Make Speech and Silence, Energy and Stillness, twin forms of thy play.

Glory, gain, riches, triumph, pleasure, frankness, truth, shame-lessness, arrogance, vanity, manifestation, recovery from sickness, but sometimes sudden death.












The Future



Pour thine all freely from the Vase in thy right hand, and lose no drop. Hath not thy left hand a vase? Transmute all wholly into the Image of thy Will, bringing each to its true token of Perfection. Dissolve the Pearl in the Wine-cup; drink, and make manifest the Virtue of that Pearl.

Combination of forces, realisation, action based on accurate calculation; the way of escape, success after elaborate manoeuvres.