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Horse Shoe Spread

Horse Shoe Spread #1



Difficulty: Easy

The Horse Shoe is an old classic tarot spread. It is more advanced than the 3-card reading, yet simpler than most other spreads. It is a versatile method that can be used for most queries, though there are other spreads which would go into more depth. Like the simple Past, Present, and Future spread, it contains these cards in positions 1, 2, and 7, but also has 4 other cards that help the reader understand how to deal with the Future better. The cards are to be read as follows:

  1. The Past: This card represents past events that are affecting the question.
  2. The Present: This card represents the current state or immediately approaching influence.
  3. Hidden Influences: Things that you may not be aware of, or barely be aware of.
  4. Obstacles: This is the challenge. Obstacles might be avoided, or you may have to deal with them.
  5. External Influences: Attitudes and thoughts about this situation from people around the querent.
  6. Suggestions: Recommended course of action.
  7. The Final Outcome: This card represents what would happen if the suggestion is followed.









Your Horse Shoe Reading


Hidden Influences

The Magus
  External Influences

The Lovers
The Present

The Chariot

The Past

The Aeon
  The Outcome

The Fool





The Past Card represents past events that are affecting the question.


The Aeon


Be every Act an Act of Love and Worship. Be every Act the Fiat of a God. Be every Act a Source of radiant Glory.

Final decision in respect of the past, new current in respect of the future; always represents the taking of a definite step.





The Present Card represents the current state or immediately approaching influence.


The Chariot


The Issue of the Vulture, Two-in-One, conveyed; this is the Chariot of Power. TRINC: the last oracle.

Triumph, victory, hope, memory, digestion, violence in maintaining traditional ideas, the 'die-hard', ruthlessness, lust of destruction, obedience, faithfulness, authority under authority.





Hidden Influences - Things that you may not be aware of, or barely be aware of.


The Magus


The True Self is the meaning of the True Will: know Thyself through Thy Way. Calculate well the Formula of Thy Way. Create freely; absorb joyously; divide intently; consolidate completely. Work thou, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omni present, in and for Eternity.

Skill, wisdom, adroitness, elasticity, craft, cunning, deceit, theft. Sometimes occult wisdom or power, sometimes a quick impulse, a brain-wave. It may imply messages, business transactions, the interference of learning or intelligence with the matter in hand.












Obstacle - This is the challenge.




Pour thine all freely from the Vase in thy right hand, and lose no drop. Hath not thy left hand a vase? Transmute all wholly into the Image of thy Will, bringing each to its true token of Perfection. Dissolve the Pearl in the Wine-cup; drink, and make manifest the Virtue of that Pearl.

Combination of forces, realisation, action based on accurate calculation; the way of escape, success after elaborate manoeuvres.





External Influences - Attitudes about this situation from people around the querent.


The Lovers


The Oracle of the Gods is the Child- Voice of Love in Thine own Soul; hear thou it. Heed not the Siren-Voice of Sense, or the Phantom-Voice of Reason: rest in Simplicity, and listen to the Silence.

Openness to inspiration, intuition, intelligence, second sight, childishness, frivolity, thoughtfulness divorced from practical consideration, indecision, self-contradiction, union in a shallow degree with others, instability, contradiction, triviality, the 'high-brow'.





Suggestion - The recommended course of action.




Mitigate Energy with Love; but let Love devour all things. Worship the name _______, foursquare, mystic, wonderful, and the name of His House 418.

Courage, strength, energy and action, une grande passion; resort to magick, the use of magical power.





The Outcome - What will happen if the suggestion is followed.


The Fool


In spiritual matters, the Fool means idea, thought, spirituality, that which endeavours to transcend earth.

In material matters, it may, if badly dignified, mean folly, eccentricity, or even mania.

But the essential of this card is that it represents an original, subtle, sudden impulse or impact, coming from a completely strange quarter.

All such impulses are right, if rightly received; and the good or ill interpretation of the card depends entirely on the right attitude of the Querent.