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Blind Spot Spread

Blind Spot Spread



Difficulty: varies

This spread is used to enhance self-awareness. Questions about learning something about yourself or things that are hidden work very well with this spread, but actually no question is necessary.

  1. This card displays the obvious identity, the part of your self that you are consciously aware of and project to others.
  2. This card shows unconscious driving forces that neither you nor others are aware of about you. This is the Great Unknown. Nobody knows what this card means.
  3. The part of yourself that you conceal, that you don’t want others to know about is apparent in this card.
  4. This is your Blind Spot. This is what you asked about which you should be made aware of by this reading. You may wish to pay close attention to these mannerisms.









Your Blind Spot Reading

What you know What you don't know
What others know
The Emperor

7 of Wands
What others don't know
Princess of Swords

The Fool





This card displays your obvious identity, the part of you that everyone knows.

The Emperor


Pour water on thyself thus shalt thou be a Fountain to the Universe. Find thou thyself in every Star. Achieve thou every possibility.

War, conquest, victory, strife, ambition, originality, over-weening confidence and megalomania, quarrelsomeness, energy, vigour, stubbornness, impracticability, rashness, ill- temper.





This card shows unconscious driving forces that neither you nor your company is aware of about you. This is the Great Unknown.

The Fool


In spiritual matters, the Fool means idea, thought, spirituality, that which endeavours to transcend earth.

In material matters, it may, if badly dignified, mean folly, eccentricity, or even mania.

But the essential of this card is that it represents an original, subtle, sudden impulse or impact, coming from a completely strange quarter.

All such impulses are right, if rightly received; and the good or ill interpretation of the card depends entirely on the right attitude of the Querent.





The secrets you keep from others are shown by this card.

Princess of Swords

The Princess of Swords represents the earthy part of Air, the fixation of the volatile. She brings about the materialisation of Idea. She represents the influence of Heaven upon Earth. She represents to some extent the anger of the Gods, and she appears helmed, with serpent-haired Medusa for her crest. She stands in front of a barren altar as if to avenge its profanation, and she stabs downward with her sword. The heaven and the clouds, which are her home, seem angry.

The character of the Princess is stern and revengeful. Her logic is destructive. She is firm and aggressive, with great practical wisdom and subtlety in material things. She shews great cleverness and dexterity in the management of practical affairs, especially where they are of a controversial nature. She is very adroit in the settlement of controversies.












This is your Blind Spot. This is what you asked about - what you wished to be made aware of by this reading.

7 of Wands

Mars in Leo – Valour

This card derives from Netzach (Victory) in the suit of Fire. But the Seven is a weak, earthy, feminine number as regards the Tree of Life, and represents a departure from the balance so low down on the Tree that this implies a loss of confidence.

Fortunately, the card is also attributed to Mars in Leo. The army has been thrown into disorder; if victory is to be won, it will be by dint of individual valour – a 'soldiers' battle'.